The Joyous Justice Podcast

Ep. 125: Racial Justice IS a Jewish Issue (44 reprise)

April Baskin Episode 125
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00:00 | 21:36

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The past week or so have brought an unwelcome reminder that anti-Black racism is alive and well in 21st-century America. With this as backdrop, we’re reprising episode 44. In this conversation, we respond to a common question about racial justice work and explain that because the Jewish community is a global, multi-racial people, racial justice already is and must continue to be a core Jewish value and issue.

Read Josefin Dolsten’s op-ed in The Forward, entitled “As Jews, we need to speak out against DeSantis’ efforts to erase Black history:”

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Read more about Rabbi Leora Kaye and her work:

Check out what we mean by Jews of the Global Majority here:

Listen to April on the BBC’s Heart and Soul on Black Jewish Lives Matter to hear more about her thoughts on our global multi-racial Jewish community:

Review the Jews of Color Field Building’s research on population demographics:

Check out this article about the importance of cultural competence for teams:

Check out our discussion/reflection questions for this episode:

Find April’s TikTok videos here:

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Discussion and reflection questions:

  1. What in this episode is new for you? What have you learned and how does it land?
  2. What is resonating? What is sticking with you and why?
  3. What, if anything feels hard? What is challenging or on the edge for you?
  4. If relevant. what feelings and sensations are arising as you reflect on themes from this episode, and where in your body do you feel them?
  5. What key insights or strategies are you carrying forward and how do you want to weave them into your living and/or leadership?