The Joyous Justice Podcast

Ep 90: The Shmita Year, the Year of Release (MVP)

Episode 90

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We're rounding off this month's MVPs (most valuable podcasts) with a conversation about the Shmita year (if you haven't been commemorating it, don't worry! There's still time!). As we’re In our current pandemic-, racism-, and climate-change-ravaged times, April and Tracie talk about the Shmita Year, or Sabbatical Year, which we just began at Rosh Hashanah. How does one live out the values of the Shmita year when most of us are no longer working as farmers in the fields? They discuss how we can use this particular moment to lean into its themes, reconnect with the Earth, and find greater balance in what we endeavor to control and what we allow to happen organically. 

Find April and Tracie's full bios and submit topic suggestions for the show at

Learn more about Joyous Justice where April is the founding and fabulous (!) director, and Tracie is a senior partner.:

Support the work our Jewish Black & Cherokee woman-led vision for collective liberation here:

Learn more about the Shmita year here:

Check out the 5 genders in the Talmud here:

Read more about Hayim Nahman Bialik here:

The essay “Halacha and Aggadah” can be found in Revealment and Concealment: Five Essays.

Check out Judaism Unbound’s episode on the Shmita year here:

Listen to our episode on T'shuvah here: 

Listen to our episode about Elul here:

Learn more about Kohenet Keshira haLev Fife here:

Learn more about Rabbi Elissa Sachs-Kohen here:

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Discussion and reflection questions:

  1. What in this episode is new for you? What have you learned and how does it land?
  2. What is resonating? What is sticking with you and why?
  3. What, if anything feels hard? What is challenging or on the edge for you?
  4. If relevant. what feelings and sensations are arising as you reflect on themes from this episode, and where in your body do you feel them?
  5. What key insights or strategies are you carrying forward and how do you want to weave them into your living and/or leadership?